Growing Greens in Winter

As a kid I didn’t like vegetables. Few kids do but I think it was worse for my generation. We came up in a time when food was aggressively being corporatized. The memory of the quaint grocery store on the corner of my Dad’s childhood neighborhood is nearly overshadowed by the emergence of the modern grocery store, quite literally “super” markets. In order to fill the rows and rows of shelves most everything in these supermarkets had to be processed and in those days, that meant canning. It’s better today but in those earlier times when they were ramping up production, little subtleties like quality, taste and aesthetics were casualties. One taste of canned asparagus was enough to put me off of the odd little veggie for decades and don’t even get me talking about canned peas. When you you can describe a food item as looking “like fat gangrenous ticks” there’s no amount of culinary artistry going to make them palatable. Lettuce was ...